

今天分享Zoe一篇新的英文阅读写作课功课 。 课程进度到了相关书单的第二本书 , 《福尔摩斯探案集》 。 由于这本小说创作的年代是英国的维多利亚时代 , 所以老师除了要求写一篇文学评论 , 本周还要求大家针对维多利亚时代的社会和历史风貌做一些研究 , 并写一篇creative writing 。 老师对写作风格没有提出任何详细要求 , 但是鼓励大家写作上要尽量有新意 。
美国老师会比较关注孩子写作的原创性;文章假如是有感而发 , 任何情感的流露都不会显得造作;而老师对孩子文章中的观点一般也不会做对错上的评判 , 反而更关心孩子写作和论述的逻辑是否能够支撑其想表述的观点 。 不断地去思索本身是最重要的 , 而写作的训练也是为了让孩子能够全面而有逻辑地展示自己的思索和判定 。

由于上周学校是最后一周网课 , 所以Zoe也没有时间针对维多利亚时代做特别全面的信息收集 。 不外我看她倒也是找了一些当年的音乐 , 影像图片等素材 , 看得挺有兴致 。

Zoe录了个视频 , 把自己的文章读了一下 。 另外 , 也聊了一下她预备写作时关注的重点 , 写作设定的思路 , 以及老师对她文章的评价 。 视频带中英文字幕 , 利便理解 。 Zoe的文章原文在视频下方 。 我感觉Zoe写这类文章比写分析评论类文章要轻松和自如许多 。 看来仍是要想办法让她更多的认识分析和评论文章的写作方式 。 不假如预备不够充分 , 估计初中高年级和高中期间会比较辛劳 。
视频的下方是Zoe写的英文原文和对应翻译 。
As I got out of my uncomfortable bed, my mother called me in for breakfast. I sincerely hoped that it was not cheese again! Like every other poor family in our neighborhood, all we basically ate was cheese, bread, and small pieces of pie. That was all we could afford. I raced over to the kitchen just a couple steps away from where I slept, and there it was! A piece of golden, yet not shimmering block of cheese.
我妈喊我去吃早饭 。 我从我那张一点也不惬意的床上起身 , 诚心地期望这次可别再吃奶酪了 。 我们这区的贫困家庭每天吃的都是面包 , 奶酪和派 。 我们就买得起这些食品 。 我着急地奔向厨房 , 固然厨房离我睡觉的地方也没两步的间隔 。 得!仍是黄不拉几 , 毫无色泽的奶酪 。
“Cheese again?” I moaned in despair. “but we have been eating the same thing for three whole days!” I complained.
“又吃奶酪呀?”我绝望地埋怨着:“都吃了三天了 。 ”
“Be thankful for what you have Elios! Some families on this street do not even have food.” Said my mother. My dad, Shane, had already gone to work. And my mother was about to go as well. I was going to go to mine myself. I worked as a chimney sweeper.
“知道感恩吧 , Elios!这条街上有些家庭连吃的都没有 。 “我妈说到 。 我爸 , Shane , 已经去开工了 。 我妈现在也要出门干活了 。 而我也有我要做的工作 , 我是个扫烟囱的 。
I got out of my small and old house that looked like it would fall apart any moment. Out to the streets, the air was murky from all the factories here and there. It seemed that the grey air blinded me. Then, out of nowhere, a carriage with a shining aura appeared out of nowhere. With it came a gust of wind carrying a paper that flew like doves in the wind. “A new land, more opportunities!!!” I could tell the content although I didn’t know how to read. They had been around for a long time, and I had heard people talking about those opportunities across the Atlantic.
