
Twitter has. "Favorite" on Twitter is like "Like" on Facebook.Twitter\u0026#39;s major usage are daily chat and getting information spread. Therefore it makes no sense to tell a user who have favorited the tweet as soon as the tweet come into eyes. Instead, information itself is more important.There is another reason that Twitter consider "Favorite" is not as same as "Like" on Facebook. Facebook is more like a blog stream, which display friends\u0026#39; post in one page, and it\u0026#39;s easy to comment and repost. Yet on Twitter a tweet is more like a "real" tweet, by a bird, and other birds can be nodes to spread and can be reproducers to make the tweet louder.
2018年10月30日: 据《每日电讯》报道,Twitter计划移除“点赞”功能,以提高这家社交网络上辩论的质量。上周,Twitter CEO杰克·多西在公司一场活动上确认,他并不喜欢点赞功能,并将“很快”移除点赞功能。
