
Pauline Hanson\u0026#39;s First Press Conference As A Senator Was INSANEOne Nation leader Pauline Hanson has seemingly been elected to the Senate in Queensland, and she has wasted no time reminding everyone exactly why we were worried about her re-entering politics.
The profile of Hanson, who has drawn a large vote in Queensland and around the country, may be enough to see candidates from her party elected to the Senate in other states too, with experts tipping a second QLD senator as well as possibly another in NSW. Hanson herself claimed her party may claim as many as six senators nationwide. She held her first big press conference in Brisbane on Monday, and leaned heavily on her greatest hits -- criticisms of Islam and "Asians", and a push for reforms to immigration.
Rather than writing around the quotes, we thought we\u0026#39;d just present them verbatim. Enjoy... or not.
On criticisms of her policies as "racist":
There is nothing racist in it. I have the right to an opinion... What I\u0026#39;m saying is let\u0026#39;s get back to the Australia where we as a nation had a right to have an opinion and have a say. Clearly, the way our nation is going is not in the right direction and my opinion and my policies were clearly accepted by the Australian people just last Saturday. 【哪个澳洲政党当选更可能放宽移民条件还是没有区别】 On her previous claims that Australia was being "swamped by Asians":
You go and ask a lot of people in Sydney, at Hurstville or some of the other suburbs. They feel they have been swamped by Asians and regardless of that now, a lot of Australians feel that Asians are buying up prime agricultural land, housing, you ask people in Melbourne how they feel about it as well.Those retarded green haters. U got what u wished for! LOL...
谢邀。关于政策上面某位匿名用户说的就很简洁明了了,但我个人觉得哪个党执政,在移民政策方面都不会差太多的。无论哪个政党,都是为澳洲本国利益为主的。他们吸引移民干嘛?无非是为了得到新移民的投资(投资移民),或者他们的劳动力(457和劳工担保),或者知识(独立技术移民)。 哪个的先决条件都是对澳洲有利,所以哪个政党执政在这方面不会差太多。就算有些鼓励性政策,也是僧多粥少。依然很艰难。
