#that#据说,有这13个特征的人都是聪明人!( 四 )
“高智商的人几乎可以感受到他人的想法和感觉 。 ” 一位Quora用户说 。
Some psychologists argue that empathy, being attuned to the needs and feelings of others and acting in a way that is sensitive to those needs, is a core component of emotional intelligence.
一些心理学家表示 , 同理心是情商的一个核心要素 , 聪明人能够理解他人的需求和感受 , 并且贴心地作出行动 。
Emotionally-intelligent individuals are typically very interested in talking to new people and learning more about them.
情商高的人通常都很愿意与新朋友交流并且更多地了解对方 。
You can connect seemingly unrelated concepts
Several Quora users suggested that smart people are able to see patterns where others can't. That's because they can draw parallels between seemingly disparate ideas.
一些Quora用户指出 , 聪明人能够看到其他人看不到的模式 。 那是因为他们能找到两个看似不沾边的想法的相通之处 。
As April Astoria notes: "You think there's no relation between sashimi and watermelon? You'd be wrong. Both are typically eaten raw and cold."
就像阿普里尔?爱斯托利亚所说:“你认为生鱼片和西瓜之间没有关系?你错了 , 这两样东西都可以冰镇后生吃 。 ”
Interestingly, journalist Charles Duhigg argues that making these kinds of connections is a hallmark of creativity (which can be closely linked to intelligence). Duhigg studied the process through which Disney developed their hit movie Frozen and concluded that the movie only seems clever and original because it "takes old ideas and pushes them together in new ways".
有趣的是 , 采访人员查尔斯?杜希格认为 , 建立这种联系是创造力的标志 , 而创造力也和智商紧密相关 。 杜希格研究了迪斯尼的大热影片《冰雪奇缘》的制作过程 , 并得出结论说 , 这部电影给人感觉机智又新颖是因为它“把老故事重新组合” 。
You procrastinate a lot
Mahesh Garkoti says smart people are likely to procrastinate on quotidian tasks, mainly because they're working on things that are more important.
马赫什?戛克提说 , 聪明的人可能会拖延日常工作 , 主要是因为他们正在处理更重要的事情 。
That's an interesting proposition — but some scientists would say that smart people procrastinate even on work they find meaningful. Wharton psychologist Adam Grant suggests that procrastination is key to innovation, and that Steve Jobs used it strategically.
这是一个有趣的看法——但是一些科学家会说真正聪明的人甚至会拖延他们觉得重要的工作 。 沃顿商学院的心理学家亚当?格兰特认为 , 拖延是创新的关键 , 并指出史蒂夫?乔布斯曾使用过拖延战略 。
As Grant told Business Insider, "The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent ideas come to the table, as opposed to diving right in with the most conventional, the most obvious, the most familiar."
格兰特告诉商业内幕网说 , “史蒂夫?乔布斯会把项目一推再推 , 反复思考各种可能性 , 等待各种不同的观点浮出水面 , 而不是直接选用最传统、最显而易见和最熟悉的方案 。 ”
You contemplate the big questions 会考虑真正重大的问题
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