「英语口语小镇」TED | 每场TED演讲,都可以用6个词来概括( 三 )
现在你们可能正在想 , 把10个TED演讲用六个词汇总结 , 这太疯狂了 。 但 , 情况并不总是这样 , 因为有个例子 , 统计学教授汉斯·罗斯林(TED演讲常客) 。 我想你们很多人都看过他一个或多个演讲 。 他有8个在线的TED演讲 , 那些演讲能被4个词汇简单地总结出来 , 因为这就是他展示给我们的 , 我们的直觉太差 。 他一直证明我们是错的 。
So people on the Internet, some didn't do so well. I mean, when I asked them to summarize the 10 TEDTalks at the same time, some took the easy route out. They just had some general comment. There were others, and I found this quite cheeky. They used their six words to talk back to me and ask me if I'd been too much on Google lately. And finally also, I never understood this, some people really came up with their own version of the truth. I don't know any TEDTalk that contains this.
网络上的人们 , 有些做得并不那么好 , 我意思是 , 当我请他们一下去总结10个TED演讲时 , 有人就走捷径 , 他们只给些一般评论 。 还有些人 , 我觉得脸皮太厚了 , 他们用他们的六字词汇和我辩驳 , 并问我是否我最近用Google太多了 。 最终 , 我无法理解的是有些人真的是总结出自己版本 , 但我不知道有任何TED演讲包含这个 。
But, oh well. In the end, however, and this is really amazing, for each of those 10 TEDTalk clusters that I submitted, I actually received meaningful summaries. Here are some of my favorites. For example, for all the TEDTalks around food, someone summed this up into: "Food shaping body, brains and environment," which I think is pretty good. Or happiness: "Striving toward happiness = moving toward unhappiness."
但 , 好吧 , 最终结果真的太令人吃惊 , 我提出的10个TED演讲的每个总结最后都收到有意义的总结 。 我中意的一些 , 比如 , 所有食品主题的TED演讲 , 有人总结:“美食塑体、塑脑、塑造环境” 我觉得棒极了 。 或关于幸福的:“努力奋斗得幸福 , 被动慢步得悲催 。 “
So here I was. I had started out with a thousand TEDTalks and I had 600 six-word summaries for those. Actually it sounded nice in the beginning, but when you look at 600 summaries, it's quite a lot. It's a huge list. So I thought, I probably have to take this one step further here and create summaries of the summaries -- and this is exactly what I did. So I took the 600 summaries that I had, put them into nine groups according to the ratings that the talks had originally received on TED.com and asked people to do summaries of those.
就是这样 。 我已经从一千个TED演讲着手 , 相对这些TED演讲 , 我有600个六词总结 。 在开始时 , 这听起来很好 , 但 , 当你看到600个总结时 , 还是很多 , 这是一个大列表 。 于是我想 , 我可能得更进一步 , 为这些总结再提炼总结----就这么做 。 于是我用了手头这600个总结 , 放在9个群组里 , 对应于它们在TED.com网站上的评分并请人们去做这些总结 。
Again, there were some misunderstandings. For example, when I had a cluster of all the beautiful talks, someone thought I was just trying to find the ultimate pick-up line. But in the end, amazingly, again, people were able to do it. For example, all the courageous TEDTalks: "People dying," or "People suffering," was also one, "with easy solutions around." Or the recipe for the ultimate jaw-dropping TEDTalk: "Flickr photos of intergalactic classical composer." I mean that's the essence of it all.
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