开了个分答,专门来回复关于如何成为德国医生的咨询吧 - Moritz的文章 - 专栏
现在德国医生的缺口很大,理论上来说是可以到德国来当医生的,当然不同科室找工作的难度有所差异。问题在于:你愿意花多大的力气来提高德语?Sicherlich B2 reicht nicht aus! 德语达到C1水平,只是普通的会话要求。涉及到专业的都是拉丁词根,想象一下,和病人交流用普通德语,和同事交流、开处方需要用专业德语。花这么大的力气,在年纪并不大的阶段,有这份毅力,在国内的医院也是事业有成了吧?德国普通医生的收入并不算太高(和其他行业比,和医生所付出的劳动比),所以,到头来,还是个人的权衡问题。 我个人能够推荐的是,到德国来读MD。花费不高,时间不算太长,同时增长科研经验和见识。
1. Can you do internship in Germany - YES HOW- ( Official way )A. Submit your degree and credits to Dusseldorf get it verified, they will tell you how many years will be accepted ( mostly only 4 years of your study will be accepted if you are holding a non Eu degree, and it depends according to your hours ) B. Use your verifications and accepted documents and apply to a german university and start studying there from the 4th year and do your practical year in the 5th year ) (The un official way ) - CANNOT GURANTEE ABOUT APPROBATION Some states allows you to do the internship in Germany with the acceptance of a german clinic. - Depends of the sate and your documents ( This is very unlikely but i know many doing this )BEST OPTION- Do your internship in your country which is hazzel free as without the internship your degree is not fully recognised, then apply for a job with your language skill get a job and then start working on approbation process which includes exams etc. Or if you are in a GUS country - do 1 year of internatura or 2 years of ordinatur still its accepted. your best choice can differ. Good luck Regards.转自FB一位答友的分享
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