I totally understand her situation of being raised to believe in this CULT, and for security issues, I cannot discuss my personal experiences here. If her whole family are followers, it can be extremely difficult for you to talk her into changing her mind. It is more than personal beliefs. Her families, friends, her entire social network can be cult-related, and the best advice I can offer you is to stay away from it, and stay away from her.
I am not talking about isolating your roommate. What I suggest is to do nothing, and not to discuss this issue with her. Protect yourself first, your roommate and her family is not your concern. If she does see the essence of this cult, she will willingly end these connections, and if she truly believes in this cult, there is nothing much you can do. This may sound cold-blooded, but that\u0026#39;s the truth. What she believes in is a cult with legit disguise, and what the cult has been suggesting is totally unethical and illeagal. STAY AWAY FROM IT.
Please make sure not to discuss her cult issues with her, as things can be more complicated and ugly than you could possible imagine. Instead of being grateful, she and her family, or other followers may feel offensed. People can be controlled by a cult, and this specific one is nothing better. Some of my loved ones have been fooled, harmed and harrassed by this cult and I feel oblidged to tell the truth.
I am writing this answer in English to protect myself from potential problems and harrassment from fult followers, yet I believe those seeking answers to similar problems can get what I am trying to express here, and do the right things. I just hope the government can do something to address this issue, maybe when greater harms are caused.
【怎样劝解信奉伪科学的室友】 Wish you well and good luck, and best wishes for those suffering from similar struggles and confusions.
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