根据美国语言学协会的报告,主要的career opportunities有:
Computer industry: work on speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and computer-mediated language learning. Education: Train teachers, design assessments, find effective ways to teach language-related topics in specific communities, teach English as a Second Language (ESL) in the United States or abroad or at the university level.Translator or interpreter: wanted in everywhere from government to hospitals to courts of law. Work on language documentation/research in institutes/government or in publishing industry:work with language consultants in order to document, analyze, and preserve languages (many of which are endangered). Or work as a technical writer, or as a journalist or lexicographer.Work for a testing agency: Linguists help prepare and evaluate standardized exams and conduct research on assessment issues.
Reference: https://www.linguisticsociety.org/content/why-major-linguistics
如果想在大学,需要读research program。
读applied linguistics你可以在以下领域工作:
Language assessment and testing Public service Speech pathology Teaching English to other speakers (TESOL) Translation已毕业研究生有在如下国际组织工作的(需考虑个人情况):
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)Indonesian Air ForceMinistry of Education SingaporeImagine Education Australia
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