

“We didn\u0026#39;t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost." 当初统治手机市场的诺基亚,被破让微软来收拾剩下的烂摊子。13年被微软收购后,诺基亚的战略目标已经转移。分别是infrastructure 和 digital health,在VR也有一部分的市场。目前也有5G基站的研发。但是在smartphone的这个市场,Nokia真的是落寞了。


这是Global market share held by leading smartphone vendors from 4th quarter 2009 to 2nd quarter 2019。可见在2009年的时候诺基亚市场为38.6,三星3%,苹果16.1%。不到5年,三星和苹果崛起。

以下是大事记 :
目前没有打破的记录是销售最好的Nokia 1100,于2003年诞生。(以下是有年代感图片)

2010年,诺基亚发行了, "Apple-Killer" 但是技术无法跟苹果匹敌。
What happened to Nokia is no secret: Apple and Android crushed it. 表面原因是被苹果和三星打败了,其实有更深层的原因。我归结于3点。
”In order to understand its rapid downfall from its position as a world-dominant and innovative technology organisation, Tim O. Vuori, assistant professor in strategic management at Aalto University and Qui Huy, Professor of Strategy at INSEAD Singapore conducted a qualitative study. The results were published in the 2015 paperDistributed Attention and Shared Emotions in the Innovation Process: How Nokia Lost the Smartphone Battle.“
可以看得出诺基亚的管理层处于恐惧之中。这种恐惧是根深于爱发脾气的上层管理,和害怕讲出真相失去工作的中层管理。上层管理害怕向外部环境讲出真相害怕企业达不到预期的目标。公司执行管理或董事害怕向公众讲塞班系统的劣势。而诺基亚的管理层并不是傻子,他们知道需要花费很大的财力物力跟苹果的IOS系统抗衡,但是只是不愿意放宽视野。董事会害怕道出真相后失去投资公司,供应商,和客户。顶层管理恐吓中层管理,”你们没有雄心大志来达成公司的目标“。但是中层管理说,”讲出诺基亚的真相是没有用的,不如得过且过。“ 公司没有想打的工程师,尤其是软件工程师。诺基亚甚至软件系统无法匹敌苹果之后,硬要发展硬件一路走到底。

At that time Nokia suffered from organisational fear;The organisational fear was grounded in a culture of temperamental leaders and frightened middle managers;The middle management was scared of telling the truth because they feared being fired;Top managers were afraid of the external environment and not meeting their quarterly targets;Executives were afraid to publicly acknowledge the inferiority of Symbian, Nokia’s operating system;They knew it would take several years to develop a better operating system that could compete with Apple’s iOS;Top executives were afraid of losing investors, suppliers and customers if they acknowledged their technological inferiority to Apple;Top managers intimidated middle managers by accusing them of not being ambitious enough to meet their goals;Top management was lied to by middle management who felt telling the truth was useless;Top managers lacked technical competence which influenced how they could assess technological limitations during goal setting; by comparison, the top engineers at Apple were all engineers;Instead of allocating resources to the achievement of long-term goals such as developing a new operating system, Nokia management decided to develop new phone devices for short-term market demands.不能顺应时代潮流的,都死了
