
光通信的带宽和光的频率成正比, 所以波长越短越好.
光纤通信用的是1.3-1.55 um 波段, 根据维基百科, Fiber-optic communication, 2011年的测试速度就达到了 100T/s. 所以这个是互联网的主干道. 到了用户端分流,转发, 变成网线中的电信号, 或者变成微波波段的 wifi 或者4G, 速度就慢了很多.
中红外通信是想走点到点的互联通信, 具有方便移动, 带宽大的优点. 比起近红外当然是慢了一些, 优点是不容易被空气吸收吧.
【中波红外3到5μm波段,在通信/通讯上有啥应用】 应用场景比如下图,

实际应用是有很多门槛的, 比如网络协议就要重新定义. 当然, 主要是还没有市场, 成本高得不行.
大数据时代的无线网络, 目前主要是在发展5G.

基于量子级联激光器的自由空间通信Free-space communication based on quantum cascade laser本文展示了基于中红外量子级联激光器的自由空间通信。该系统的基本单元由一个室温下连续工作的分布反馈量子级联激光器和一个中红外探测器组成,通过该系统成功地进行了40MHz正弦波信号和载波为30MHz的调幅视频信号的传输。本研究提供了量子级联激光器用于自由空间光通信的概念性的验证。系统的最高通信频率受限于调制电路带宽,通过使用改进后的调制电路可以大大提升该通信系统的性能。Abstract: A free-space communication based on a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser (QCL) is presented. A room-temperature continuous-wave distributed-feedback (DFB) QCL combined with a mid-infrared detector comprise the basic unit of the communication system. Sinusoidal signals at a highest frequency of 40 MHz and modulated video signals with a carrier frequency of 30 MHz were successfully transmitted with this experimental setup. Our research has provided a proof-of-concept demonstration of space optical communication application with QCL. The highest operation frequency of our setup was determined by the circuit-limited modulation bandwidth. A high performance communication system can be obtained with improved modulation circuit system.4. Conclusion A free-space infrared analogue communication link setupusing a QCL as the source and an HgCdTe detector as thereceiver is constructed and used to demonstrate the potentialof QCLs for space optical communication. The laser isa continuous-wave room-temperature operation of distributedfeedback device emitting at 4.7 m. The HgCdTe detectorworks at room temperature with peak response wavelengthof about 5 m. Sinusoidal signals at a highest frequencyof 40 MHz and modulated video signals with a carrier frequencyof 30 MHz were successfully transmitted with thisexperimental setup. Our research has provided a proof-ofconcept demonstration of space optical communication applicationwith QCLs. The highest operating frequency of oursetup was determined by the limited bandwidth of circuits andcommunication line. A high performance communication systemcan be obtained with high frequency circuit components.In addition, the collimating beam expanding system would beachieved for practical long-distance communication.
