37signals 改名 Basecamp 是好的决策吗
Two big announcements.February 5, 2014.
This year marks 37signals\u0026#39; 15th year in business. And today is Basecamp\u0026#39;s 10th birthday. We have a lot to celebrate, and two exciting announcements to share. But first, let\u0026#39;s set the scene with some history.
37signals was founded back in 1999 as a web design firm. With the release of Basecamp in 2004, we began our journey to become a software company. Once Basecamp revenue surpassed web design revenue in 2005, the transition was complete.
Since then we\u0026#39;ve launched Ta-da List (2005), Writeboard (2005), Backpack (2005), Campfire (2006), The Job Board \u0026amp; Gig Board (2006), Highrise (2007), Sortfolio (2009), the all new Basecamp (2012), Know Your Company (2013), and We Work Remotely (2013).
We also created and open sourced Ruby on Rails (2004), wrote a few books (Defensive Design for the Web (2004), Getting Real (2006), REWORK (2010), and REMOTE (2013)), and published thousands of blog posts on Signal vs. Noise.
Fifteen years into it, we\u0026#39;re proud of the work we\u0026#39;ve done and the business we\u0026#39;ve built. And business has never been better.
However, because we\u0026#39;ve released so many products over the years, we\u0026#39;ve become a bit scattered, a bit diluted. Nobody does their best work when they\u0026#39;re spread too thin. We certainly don\u0026#39;t. We do our best work when we\u0026#39;re all focused on one thing.
Further, we\u0026#39;ve always enjoyed being a small company. Today we\u0026#39;re bigger than we\u0026#39;ve ever been, but we\u0026#39;re still relatively small at 43 people. So while we could hire a bunch more people to do a bunch more things, that kind of rapid expansion is at odds with our culture. We want to maintain the kind of company where everyone knows everyone\u0026#39;s name. That\u0026#39;s one of the reasons why so many of the people who work at 37signals stay at 37signals.
So with that in mind, last August we conducted a thorough review of our products, our customer base, our passions, and our visions of the company for the next 20 years. When we put it all on the table, everything lined up and pointed at one clear conclusion. We all got excited. We knew it was right.
So today, February 5, 2014, exactly ten years to the day since we launched Basecamp, we have a couple of big announcements to make.
Here\u0026#39;s the first: Moving forward, we will be a one product company. That product will be Basecamp. Our entire company will rally around Basecamp. With our whole team - from design to development to customer service to ops - focused on one thing, Basecamp will continue to get better in every direction and on every dimension.
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