
盗用一下Quora上的答案It will be 100% exactly like it is today. You might get smarter email clients though. Every few days someone comes around declaring email is half dead and on its way out, and yet a few days later, email is still there. Then comes those who every other day try to reinvent emails. And fail. Because really, I don\u0026#39;t want my emails in my Facebook or my Facebooks in my email. I don\u0026#39;t want nobody\u0026#39;s tweets in my email. I don\u0026#39;t want anything that is not my email, in my email. I don\u0026#39;t like how social networks manage messages. Its always awkward. I do like GMail though. And if GMail was to go tomorrow I\u0026#39;d revert back to Thunderbird. Those are proper message clients. Some things endure for very long periods of time because they are simple and perform their task well. Email is such a thing. It has been there before there was a www, and will be there afterwards. I know everybody and his sister wants to be the \u0026#39;One\u0026#39; who replaced email. But I\u0026#39;m afraid, that \u0026#39;One\u0026#39; is email itself and its not going anywhere.出处:Future of Internet: What will email be like in 2017?
我觉着下一代电子邮箱应该是 yourName@Kiss.Money 这样明星范的。 【下一代的电子邮箱应该是怎么样的呢】 下一代的电子邮箱应该是怎么样的呢

IM 和微信类就是下一代电子邮箱了。update 1:带有异步以及邮件的联系人发送方式的 IM 和微信类,比如 Gmail + Google Chat + Google Voice 的整合。update 2:我很想说那个“更快的马”的典故。
