cms频繁full gc
先申明本人不能接触HotSpot JVM,也没有研究过Tomcat内部的逻辑。所以只能凭自己的理解给些猜想,看看 @RednaxelaFX 有没有更好的建议。 BCEL: Bytecode Engineering Library. 是用来做代码生成得。从给的信息来推断,这些GC的对象是 intermediate objects that are used for bytecode generation (e.g., generation, verification, and loading), and the objects that are generated by BCEL and run finally. Each time a servelet is requested, the translation from your app script to the Java bytecode happens. The suggestions I can provide are only Try with incremental GC option that HotSpot provides. Tomcat MIGHT have some policies for BCEL code generations. It would helpful to try them.
可以尝试G1 GC,JDK版本尽量使最近的,performance改进较多。-XX:+UseG1GC
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