jam,果酱、交通堵塞、让机器部件无法运转的东西(堵塞物)、困境、窘境、拥挤、堵塞、使卡住不能动、干扰无线电信号、把……塞入、把……完全填满 。
其实只要记住果酱就可以了 。
【忌安门什么意思 jam什么意思】大家想想看,果酱是不是很黏腻,很拥挤的堵在了玻璃罐里面呢?jam,也就是使玻璃罐里面拥堵的东西 。罐子,也就是jar,和jam是不是很像?
造句:The jam is in the jar.
- a sweet, soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it. It is eaten on bread.
- traffic jam
- something that is stuck in a machine, or that prevents the parts of a machine from moving
- a difficult situation
- a situation in which a lot of people are in a small space
- to be, or make something, unable to move
- to stop radio signals from reaching the people who want to receive them
- to play jazz or rock music with other people informally without planning it or practising together
- to push something forcefully or with difficulty into something else
- to fill a place completely
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