- 简介用英语怎么说
- 公司简介的英文是什么
- 简介的英文是什么?“简介”用英文怎么说
- 英文里面的“简介”怎么拼写
- 简介英语怎么说?
- 简介 英文怎么说?
简介,即简明扼要的介绍 。是当事人全面而简洁地介绍情况的一种书面表达方式,它是应用写作学研究的一种日常应用文体 。那么你知道简介用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧 。
brief introduction
这是一本简介我们产品资料的手册 。
Here is a brochure outlining our product information.
请寄给我公司简介 。
Can you send me a brochure about your company?
这些特性在简介的小册子中有完整的说明 。
The particulars are given in this brochure.
What is life cycle assessment?
一家报纸刊登了几位候选人夫人的简介 。
A newspaper published profiles of the candidates 'wives.
【简介的英文翻译;简介用英语怎么说】可以以一系列简介开始,如果必要的话 。
Begin with a round of introductions if necessary.
本文简介了铁谱分析技术 。
In this paper the ferrography analysis technology is briefly introduced.
The merriest pair on the screen in a great new musical show!
本节会简介一些基本的图形原语 。
This section introduces some of the basic graphics primitives.
这介绍表格提供新进员工简介训练时间表日期 。
The introduction form provides the scheduled date.
《Alone》这一集的剧情简介:有一组幸存者找到了避难所;一组避难者找到了真正的保护 。
The synopsis for Alone reads: One group finds a shelter; a group has a realization about protection.
他们也可以编辑、同时与其他用户分享自己的简介,以及评论和“赞”照片 。
They can also edit and share their profiles with other users, as well as comment and like on photos.
The electrical design of fire protection for high and large space& brief introduction of fire alarm system design for Shanxi Provincial Library
内容简介:比阿特丽斯的山羊这本书让我们相信,一个家庭,不论在什么地方,都会有机会改变它的生活状况 。
Content abstract: beatrice's goat is a heartwarming reminder that families, wherever they live, can change their lives for the better.
你可以先来个简介 。
You can start with the synopsis.
比尔可能会救了所有人,但根据官方的剧情简介,他知道救人是需要代价的 。
Bill may have saved everyone, but according to the official synopsis of the episode, he learns that salvation comes at a price.
根据第五季大结局的剧情简介来看,这一集中Daryl将会遇到困难,而其他人则会努力适应Alexandria的这个幸存者营地的一切 。这里是是新角色Aaron带大家来的 。
According to the episode synopsis, the Season 5 finale will see Daryl in trouble while out and about, and the rest of the group struggling to fit in at Alexandria, the camp that new character Aaron brought them to in Sunday's The Distance.
因此,本文对这些特性进行了简介,并提供了一些信息帮助您通过Apache的OpenJPA项目亲身体验这些特性 。
Instead, brief introductions will be made via this article followed by information to help you go experience these features firsthand via Apache ' s OpenJPA project.
Content abstract: it's hot, so Maisy and Tallulah get out the wading pool.but wait, it has a leak! What will they do?
他有许多要说明的,但又没时间开长会,所以只好把一份长汇报削短成半小时的简介 。
He had a lot to explain, and no time for more than a short meeting. Thus a lengthy briefing had to be telescoped into half an hour.
公司简介的英文:company introduction;Company profile. 扩展资料
1、Products introduction 产品介绍 ; 产品规格书 ; 产品推介会
2、Hotel Introduction 酒店介绍 ; 酒店简介 ; 酒店先容 ; 饭店介绍
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