sainsbury上海办事处~英国阿斯顿大学是怎样的?( 三 )

14. Sainsbury's is offering customers 1p for each shopping bag re-used.
塞恩斯伯里超市为重复利用购物袋的顾客提供每只1便士的奖励 。
15. Saturday night was a late-night shopping night.
周六晚上购物可以持续到深夜 。
警察给我指明去购物中心的路 。
The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.
我不知道他们是怎样解决购物问题的 。
I don't know how they manage about their shopping.
她出去购物时把孩子丢给了我们 。
She planted her child on us while she went shopping.
许多强盗抢劫了购物中心里的珠宝店 。
Many robbers raided on the jeweller's in the shopping centre.
Would you like to go shopping with me?
你和我在一起好像除了购物就不能做点别的 。
It seems you and I together can do nothing but shopping.
在那里,毛衫等着直到你来到商场,跟你的妈妈一起购物 。
There it stayed until you came into the store, shopping with your mother.
我通常和我阿姨一起去购物 。
I usually go shopping with my aunt.
If that is how your friend feels, why not offer to go shopping with her?
你不喜欢购物,我也不喜欢 。
Neither you nor I like going shopping

购物,台湾人取其近音俗称“血拼” 。指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种 经济和休闲活动 。下面我为大家带来购物的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!
周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物 。
You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.
How can I get to the shopping centre from here.
购物时我习惯于当场付钱 。
It is my usual practice to pay on the nail when going shopping.
他通常在附近的超市购物 。
He usually trades at the nearby supermarket.
她和母亲坐着轻便双轮马车去购物 。
She and her mother got on the gig to go shopping.
我出去疯狂地购物 。
I went out on a shopping spree.
购物不仅仅一种是简单的拿钱换物的交易行为,它跟我们对购物的憧憬、服务满意度以及拎着购物袋回家的那种快乐息息相关 。
Shopping is not simply an act of exchanging money for a product.
购物强迫症指对购物有种无法遏制的强烈愿望 。
Compulsive shopping is the uncontrollable desire to purchase items.
因特网购物为购物者提供了许多好处 。
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for shoppers.
警察给我指明去购物中心的路 。
The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.
我不知道他们是怎样解决购物问题的 。
I don't know how they manage about their shopping.
她出去购物时把孩子丢给了我们 。
She planted her child on us while she went shopping.
许多强盗抢劫了购物中心里的珠宝店 。
Many robbers raided on the jeweller's in the shopping centre.
Would you like to go shopping with me?
你和我在一起好像除了购物就不能做点别的 。
It seems you and I together can do nothing but shopping.
在那里,毛衫等着直到你来到商场,跟你的妈妈一起购物 。
There it stayed until you came into the store, shopping with your mother.
我通常和我阿姨一起去购物 。
I usually go shopping with my aunt.
If that is how your friend feels, why not offer to go shopping with her?
你不喜欢购物,我也不喜欢 。
Neither you nor I like going shopping.
不仅因为他们通常一起从市场购物,而且因为他们的座位通常会倾向重的一边 。
Not only because they generally have shopping with them for the market, but because they are often on the heavy side.
当你去购物时单独去 。
When you shop, go alone.
他们还能够知道我开什么车,开到哪儿去,以及我在哪里购物 。
They could know what car I drive, where I drive it to, and where I shop.
1. The new shopping centre was constructed at a cost of 1.1 million.
新建成的购物中心耗资110万 。
2. Now what about that shopping list? I've got to get going.
那张购物清单呢?我得出发了 。
3. Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.
