

到了12月 , “秋招”接近尾声 , 很多应届生面临着“零offer”的残酷现实 。 而还有一大群人正准备冲击国考;据媒体报道 , 今年国考报名人数创十年新高 , 超过了259万人 。 如今 , 无论国内外 , 越来越多的年轻人在找工作时 , 最看重的因素变成了“稳定” 。 他们的心态为何发生巨变?

It's All That Young Job Seekers Are Asking For: Stability
By Emma Goldberg
Christine Cruzvergara used to sit in her office — decorated with a plaque that read \"Allergic to mediocrity\" — and dole out advice about ambition.
曾经 , 克莉丝汀·克鲁兹韦尔加拉(Christine Cruzvergara)的办公室里挂着一块牌匾 , 上面写着“厌恶平庸”;她就坐在那里 , 不厌其烦地给人建议如何实现自己的野心 。
Ms. Cruzvergara ran the campus career service centers at Wellesley College a campus whose competitive culture was reflected in the way students approached their job searches. When they talked about openings that seemed to check various boxes — purpose prestige paycheck — she heard a common refrain: \"This is my dream job.\"
她曾是韦尔斯利学院就业指导服务中心的负责人 。 这所大学推崇竞争文化 , 这种风气从该校学生对待求职的方式上可见一斑 。 在谈到那些似乎满足了有意义、体面、薪酬高等多项要求的职位时 , 克鲁兹韦尔加拉常听到学生们说:“这就是我的理想工作 。
Now Ms. Cruzvergara is watching that sentiment shift. Handshake surveyed about 1400 recent college graduates and current seniors to ask about their top job search priority: 73 percent said stability. Fewer than half by comparison said a priority was to work for a known brand.
而如今 , 克鲁兹韦尔加拉观察到学生们的想法改变了 。 美国线上校招平台Handshake调研了约1400名毕业生和大四学生 , 询问他们求职时最看重的因素是什么 , 73%的参与者称是“稳定性” 。 相比之下 , 只有不到一半的人表示 , 他们更看重公司的知名度 。
\"Lately with a lot of people being let go from their jobs it's opened my eyes to look for a job where I can feel more stable\" said Giana Gaitan-Naranjo 21 a senior at San Francisco State University.
21岁的吉安娜·盖坦-纳兰霍(Giana Gaitan-Naranjo)是一名旧金山州立大学的大四学生 。 她说:“最近很多人被裁员 , 这让我突然认清了现实 , 我要找一份能让我感觉更稳定的工作 。 ”
Shasparay Irvin 25 saw the pandemic derail her final semester at the University of Wisconsin. \"I graduated at the worst time to graduate” she said. \"Now I’m reframing to say 'What do I want to spend the time I have doing?'\"
【|秋招惨淡收场,美国年轻人求职心态发生巨变】25岁的沙斯帕雷·欧文(Shasparay Irvin)则表示 , 她在威斯康星大学的最后一个学期完全被疫情打乱了 。 她说:“我毕业的时机可以说是最糟糕的 , 但现在我会把看待这件事的视角换成‘我想把时间花在什么事上?’”
