人教PEP版六年级英语下册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总( 二 )

*Unit 3(24个单词)

人教PEP版六年级英语下册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总

他去散步了 。
·went英 [went] / v.去( go的过去式 )He went for a walk.(他去散步了 。)·camp英 [kmp] / n.野营we should camp here for the night.(我们今晚要在这里露营了)·went camping英/ (尤指在假日)野营Last weekend, my classmates and I went camping.(上个周末我和同学去露营 。)·fish英 [f] / vi.捕鱼,钓鱼Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)·went fishing英/ 去钓鱼I went fishing yesterday.(我昨天去钓鱼了 。)·rode英 [rd] / v.骑(马;自行车)( ride [rad] 的过去式 )He mounted his horse and rode away.(他骑上马走了 。)·hurt英 [h:t] / vt.使受伤(hurt的过去式)My leg hurts.(我的腿疼 。)·ate英 [et] / v.吃(eat的过去式 )I ate two dishes of ice cream.(我吃了两碟冰淇淋 。)·took英 [tk] / v.拍照( take的过去式 )I took some photos with her camera on my birthday.(我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片 。)·took pictures英/ 照相I took pictures with Disney family members.(我和迪士尼家族的人拍照 。)·bought英 [b:t] / v.买( buy的过去式)We bought a basket of peaches.(我们买了一筐桃子 。)·gift英 [gft] / n.礼物Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.(请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念 。)·fell英 [fel] / v.摔倒(fall的过去式)He fell down and injured himself.(他跌伤了 。)·off英 [f] / prep.从(某处)落下The rider fell off his horse.(骑手从马上落下 。)·Labour Day英 [''leb(r)de] / 劳动节The first of May is international labour day.(五月一日是国际劳动节 。)·mule英 [mju:l] / n.骡子He is as stubborn as a mule.(他像骡子一样倔 。)·Turpan英 [''tu''pɑ:n] / 吐鲁番Turpan is necessary to enter the southern land.(吐鲁番是进入南疆的必经之地)·could英 [kd] / aux.(can的过去式);能How could you allow him to do something like that?(你怎么会允许他做那样的事?)·till英 [tl] / prep.直到He didn''t realize that he was wrong up till the present moment.(到目前为止他还没意识到他错了 。)·beach英 [bi:t] / n.海滩;沙滩The waves splashed on the beach.(波浪飞溅到海滩上 。)·basket英 [bɑ:skt] / n.篮;筐He had a basket on her arm.(他胳膊上挎着一只篮子 。)·part英 [pɑ:t] / n.角色He was just right for the part.(他是那个角色的不二人选 。)·licked英 [lkt] / v.舔( lick [lk] 的过去式 )The dog licked up water in a puddle.(狗舔水坑中的水喝 。)·laughed英 [''lɑ:ft] / v.笑( laugh [lɑf] 的过去式)The audience laughed and applauded.(观众边笑边鼓掌 。)
*Unit 4(22个单词)
人教PEP版六年级英语下册 - 三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总

我们可以在饭厅吃饭 。
·dining hall英 [dan h:l] / 饭厅We can eat in the dining hall.(我们可以在饭厅吃饭 。)·grass英 [grɑ:s] / n.草坪Look!There are flowers in the grass.(看!草地上有花 。)·gym英 [dm] / n.体育馆We played basketball in the gym.(我们在体育馆里打篮球 。)·ago英 [g] / adv.以前He must have started writing his book a long time ago.(他一定很久以前就开始写这本书了 。)·cycling英 [sakl] / n.骑自行车运动(或活动)You might want to consider cycling.(你或许可以考虑骑自行车 。)·go cycling英/ 去骑自行车Shall we go cycling tomorrow?(我们明天去骑自行车好不好?)·ice-skate英 [assket] / v.滑冰If I can ice-skate this am good!(要是我会滑冰该多好!)·badminton英 [bdmntn] / n.羽毛球运动Two badminton teams ended in a draw.(两支羽毛球队打成平局 。)·star英 [stɑ:(r)] / n.星There are innumerable stars in the sky.(天空中有无数颗星 。)·easy英 [i:zi] / adj.容易的This is not an easy task.(这不是件容易的差事 。)·look up英 [luk p] / (在词典中或通过电脑)查阅You can look up this word in the vocabulary.(你可以在词汇表里查这个词 。)·Internet英 [ntnet] / n.互联网The Internet has become part of everyday life.(互联网已成为日常生活的一部分 。)·different英 [dfrnt] / adj.不同的The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.(这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状 。)·active英 [ktv] / adj.积极的,活跃的Students are very active in class today.(今天学生在课堂上非常活跃 。)·race英 [res] / n.赛跑I will match you in a race.(我要和你赛跑 。)·nothing英 [nθ] / pron.没有什么There is nothing wrong with the car.(这车一点毛病也没有 。)·thought英 [θ:t] / v.想( think的过去式)They had no thought of surrender.(他们没有想过要投降 。)·felt英 [felt] / v.感觉( feel的过去式 )I felt myself blush.(我不觉脸红了 。)·cheetah英 [ti:t] / n.猎豹The cheetah is the fastest of all animals.(猎豹是所有的动物当中跑得最快的 。)·trip英 [trp] / n.绊倒How did you like the trip?(这趟旅行感觉如何?)·woke英 [wk] / v.醒( wake的过去式 )I woke suddenly with a start.(我突然一下子惊醒了 。)·dream英 [dri:m] / n.梦I had a dream about a fish last night.(我梦到了一条鱼 。)
