
我羡慕别人的长久关系 。这并不全是甜蜜,有争吵和冲突,但没有分手 。
I envy others' long-term relationships It wasn't all sweet, there were quarrels and conflicts, but there was no breakup
不幸的是,对于慢热型的人来说,他们在别人感到厌烦的时候就会上瘾 。
Unfortunately, for people with slow fever, they become addicted when others are bored

最大的安宁是自律、温柔和对自己的爱 。
The greatest peace is self-discipline, gentleness and love for oneself
【描写冬天柿子树的诗句?冬天柿子树挂着柿子的诗句】记忆的走廊上只剩下我一个人,我不知道如何把破碎的记忆连接起来,而我这个散漫而疲惫的人是否能说一句话 。
I'm the only one left in the corridor of memory I don't know how to connect broken memories, but can I say a word as a rambling and tired person?

生活就像茶,积累之后味道更好,但不应该过夜 。
Life is like tea It tastes better after accumulation, but it should not be spent overnight
指责我没有隐藏我的喜欢,黑眼睛倾诉 。
I accuse you of not hiding my love, and I confide in you with black eyes

我相信你仍然在这里,永远不会离开 。我的爱就像天使一样保护你 。如果你知道你在这里,你会发现一个天使,从现在起没有我也会为我爱你 。
I believe you are still here and will never leave My love protects you like an angel If you know you are here, you will find an angel From now on, I will love you for me without me
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