朋友圈的人生哲理文案 , 深入人心 , 心情不好的时候可以看一看!
六月 , 我推开雨幕 , 窗前的嘴角掠过一丝微笑 。
In June, I pushed open the rain curtain, and a smile passed through the corner of my mouth at the window
我与你的心擦肩而过 , 不是我不想留下 , 而是你不愿意接受 。
I passed by your heart, not because I didn't want to stay, but because you didn't want to accept it
"放松 , 把它当作是在地球上游荡 。"
"Relax and think of it as wandering around the earth"
一切顺其自然 , 你把最好的自己留给了最后一个人:你想知道星星和你之间有什么区别吗?女:一个非常有光泽 , 另一个则没有 。
Let nature take its course, and you left your best self to the last person: Do you want to know the difference between the stars and you? Woman: One is very shiny, but the other is not
有一次我抬头看天 , 想试试运气 , 歪着头看你 , 你问我在看什么 , 我抬头看天 , 看你 。
Once I looked up at the sky, tried my luck, and tilted my head to look at you When you asked me what I was looking at, I looked up at you
生活是如此悲伤 , 难以启齿
Life is so sad, it's hard to say
How strong do you have to be to remember?
失眠是呼吸的痛苦 。它加重了我的黑眼圈 。早起对呼吸来说是痛苦的 。它迫使我离开我的毯子的温暖 。
It's the pain of breathing It aggravated my dark circles It's painful to get up early and breathe It forced me to leave the warmth of my blanket
不要毫无保留地表达自己 , 不要散发出负能量 , 这只会让他远离你 。
Don't express yourself unreservedly, and don't give off negative energy, which will only keep him away from you
如果你不确定该怎么做 , 就抛硬币决定 。
If you are not sure what to do, flip a coin
长在大脑左右两边的耳朵 , 常常塑造着我们的大脑 。
Ears on the left and right sides of the brain often shape our brains
【有关心情的朋友圈文案?朋友圈人生感悟文案】但是 , 如果你有任何意义 , 你根本就没有任何意义 。
However, if you have any meaning, you have no meaning at all
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