人间很美好,但我不想再来了 。
The world is beautiful, but I don't want to come again.
别让爱你的人伤了心,东西坏了可以修,衣服破了可以补,人心一旦凉了,就捂不热了 。
Don't let the person who loves you hurt your heart. Things can be repaired when they are broken, and clothes can be mended when they are broken. Once the heart is cold, it won't be hot.
路遥马急,谁又会记得谁 。
The road is far away and the horse is urgent. Who will remember who.
谁都可以无止境的对一个人好,但前提是:要值得 。
Anyone can be good to a person endlessly, but the premise is: it should be worth it.
我差一点就要碰到星星了,真的,只是后来天亮了 。
I almost touched the stars, really, but then it was dawn.
我也有诗和远方,可我的诗很烂,远方很黑暗 。
I also have poetry and distance, but my poetry is bad and the distance is dark.
后来我才知道 那不是我的花 我只是途经了它的盛放
Later I knew it wasn't my flower. I just passed its bloom
人生最大的悲剧就是:配不上自己的野心,还辜负了一路走来伴随的痛苦 。
The biggest tragedy of life is that you don't deserve your ambition and live up to the pain along the way.
不要到处宣扬你自己的内心,这世上不止你一个人有故事 。
Don't spread your heart everywhere. You're not the only one in the world who has a story.
世界上最可笑的是,我知道了真相,你还在那说谎 。
The funniest thing in the world is that I know the truth and you're still lying.
他只是心动,并没有坚定的选择你 。
He just moved and didn't choose you firmly.
【春晚观后感800字?观看春晚的心得体会】再难受又能怎样,生活还是得继续,现实就是这样,没有半点留情,你不争就得输 。
No matter how hard it can be, life still has to continue.The reality is this. Without mercy, you have to lose if you don't fight.
星星和你很配,因为都遥不可及 。
The stars match you well, because they are out of reach.
心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了 。
The heart is tired to a certain extent, and there is no strength to be angry and haggard.
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