不要道歉,接下来你知道的是,你对不起的是分手 。
Don't apologize Next thing you know, you're sorry for breaking up
他告诉我,他不知道我什么时候能再见到你,但也许我永远不会遇到你这样的人 。我慌忙擦了擦眼睛,生怕眼泪溢出来被人笑话,但我现在的想法真的和你一样 。
He told me that he didn't know when I would see you again, but maybe I would never meet someone like you I hurriedly wiped my eyes for fear that tears would overflow to be laughed at, but I really think like you now
人看山,鱼看莲,你在我心中 。
People look at mountains, fish look at lotus, you are in my heart
支配可能是无限的,但弱点是不可避免的 。
Dominance may be unlimited, but weakness is inevitable
爱上一个一开始就想和你一起做的人,爱上一个不顾一切要和你一起做下去的人,无论是否一路走到最后,他们都会在这个过程中照顾好你 。"
Fall in love with someone who wants to do it with you from the beginning, fall in love with someone who is desperate to do it with you, and they will take good care of you in the process, whether they go all the way to the end or not "
台上三分钟,台下十年功 。
Three minutes on stage, ten years off stage
如果我晚上因为醉酒而无法入睡,那么我想在我的余生中一直醉下去 。
If I can't sleep at night because of drunkenness, then I want to stay drunk for the rest of my life
智慧,它不是对死亡的冥想,而是对生命的冥想 。
Wisdom is not meditation on death, but meditation on life
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