1.气质优雅的女人,不是应酬场上推杯换盏的主角,也不是写字楼里的高傲女士,更不是目空一切的女强人;当然也不是街头巷尾游手好闲的购物女郎,更不是房前屋后搬弄是非的小女人,她是你心中的那缕清风,是口渴时的一杯甘露,是眼前的那道永不消失的光环 。
2.这个世界是怎么了?大多数贤妻良母其实是守不住婚姻的,不是女人不优秀,只是你的优秀不是他心中所要的3.母爱如山 舐犊情深 孟母三迁 寒泉之思4.她在家中是个标准的贤妻良母 。5.在公司看到一个女白领,我才知道什么是北方有佳人,绝世而独立 。
一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国 。6.舐犊情深:舐:舔;舐犊:老牛舔小牛的毛以示爱抚 。
比喻对子女的慈爱之情 。7.你远行踏上梦的征途,我洗尽铅华甘愿为你做贤妻良母 。
Being a good mother does not call for the
same qualities as being a good housewife; a dedication to keeping
children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate
development as individuals.
I prefer the word 'homemaker' because 'housewife' always implies that there may be a wife someplace else.
I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.
Being a housewife and a mother is the
biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I
would have made a terrible mother.
Being a good mother does not call for the same qualities as being a good housewife; a dedication to keeping children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate development as individuals.I prefer the word 'homemaker' because 'housewife' always implies that there may be a wife someplace else.I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.Being a housewife and a mother is the biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I would have made a terrible mother. 。
Being a good mother does not call for the
same qualities as being a good housewife; a dedication to keeping
children clean and tidy may override an interest in their separate
development as individuals.
I prefer the word 'homemaker' because 'housewife' always implies that there may be a wife someplace else.
I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.
Being a housewife and a mother is the
biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I
would have made a terrible mother.
1、今晚很累,但失眠 。
想过去,想现在,想未来!一个家庭主妇的思想挣扎!2、这个假期我觉得我提前过上了家庭主妇的生活做饭,刷锅刷碗,洗衣服,打扫卫生啥都是我干我太难了,我不要过这样的生活!3、老公知又出来现眼,也不看看什么年代了,能被她吸引的大部分都是没脑子人云亦云吃饱了撑的家庭主妇 。4、记一下独立带娃两天两夜,太可爱了,一点也不累,我有当家庭主妇的潜质了 。
5、从高中到现在,从小女生到家庭主妇,都二十六年了,想想都恐怖已经相识相知这么久了 。6、好想当家庭主妇,好想结婚哦不干活了哦我失去梦想了当个屁律师,我就现在的梦想是当豹子女士 。
7、开始讨厌上班了,想要当家庭主妇的心又冒出来了 。8、好想当家庭主妇啊,每天准备三餐刷碗扫除洗衣服给老公放洗澡水,这些事让我发自内心感到很快乐!9、其实我也并不老,怎么过着像老年人般的生活,天天围着两个屁孩,一堆家务事,还有一家三餐,不狂街不溜达,我还年轻,难度家庭主妇就是我的宿命吗!10、家庭主妇的一天,就是玩面玩面,味还不错,老公不敢吃 。
11、想作一下说,今天是元气满满的一天 。但目前的生活现状不是的,待业,没人玩,要做一半的家庭主妇 。
朋友圈家庭主妇的说说 家庭主妇的感慨说说12、最近的生活是学生和家庭主妇的合体:洗衣做饭,打扫房间,上网课写作业,偶尔运动看电影 。
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