(1)、有人常说,一个人久了就习惯了孤独 。可是当我们打开尘封的记忆,却发现视线变的有些馍糊了 。原来,我们只是找不到两个人的生活 。
(1) It is often said that a person is used to loneliness after a long time. But when we open the dusty memory, we find that our sight has become a little mushy. Originally, we just can't find a life for two people.
(2)、一杯相见欢,卜卦算何时,当青春的忧伤不再明媚的划过脸颊,当往事不再翻云覆雨的复苏 。听,那远处的曲声悠扬,古道幽静诗意般花灯绽放的画船,是谁在和谁诉说这不肯离别的情衷,又是谁在会相知时敢与于君绝,一并天荒地老 。
(2) A cup of joy, divination when, when the sadness of youth is no longer shining across the cheek, when the past is no longer tumultuous recovery. Listen to the melodious music in the distance and the painting boat with poetic lanterns blooming on the ancient road. Who is telling who this feeling of refusing to leave, and who dares to break up with Yu Jun when they meet.
(3)、我躺在小小的床榻之上,对着洁白的墙想着你微涩的笑容,而我苦涩一笑,那些如今全都不再属于我 。窗帘透过暗淡的光,小雨稀疏了雾烟,一池的枯叶也被雨丝打起阵阵波动的涟漪,轻轻的风又开始敲打那将要落下的花儿 。
(3) I lay on my little bed, thinking of your slightly astringent smile against the white wall, and I smiled bitterly, all of which no longer belong to me. Through the dim light, the light rain thinned the fog and smoke, the dead leaves in a pool were also rippled by the rain, and the gentle wind began to beat the flowers that were about to fall.
(4)、一个人,点一根香烟,轻轻的吐出一个个烟圈,让烟圈套住这驱之不散的寂寞,看着它慢慢的扩散,渐渐的变淡,变淡 。泡上一盏浓茶,吹散微微冒起的白气,痛饮这寂寞带来的无尽忧伤,舌尖传来的苦涩,这也许就是寂寞的味道 。
(4) A person, light a cigarette, gently spit out smoke rings, let the smoke rings cover the lingering loneliness, and watch it slowly spread, gradually fade, fade. Make a strong tea, blow away the white gas rising slightly, drink the endless sadness brought by loneliness, and the bitterness from the tip of the tongue, which may be the taste of loneliness.
(5)、曾经,为你静静的守望在月光下,守望每一个寂静清晨,挥写属于你我的素然时光,增添诗意,回首有痕 。
(5) Once, I watched quietly for you. In the moonlight, I watched every silent morning, waving the plain time that belongs to you and me, adding poetry and looking back.
(6)、谁的故事灼伤了我的双眼,让泪轻溅纸笺,那一幕幕难舍挂念,只为谁叹息无言 。只为曾经的相遇 。只为,曾经遇你已很美 。
(6) Whose story burned my eyes and let tears splash on the paper. It was difficult to miss that scene and sigh for who. Just for the meeting. Just because it's beautiful to have met you.
(7)、仰阅流云,抑迷这般景况,却对儿女情长耿怀于心,洒出千万丈,放纵年少轻狂的畅想,莫道邪乎耶?一则“晚春迟落的激雨,止不住涛声依旧,每当天空又下起了雨,风中有朵雨做的云”的心声,便从心底放飞 。
(7) Looking up at the clouds, I was fascinated by such a situation, but I was obsessed with the love of children and women, spilled tens of thousands of feet, and indulged the imagination of young and frivolous. Don't be evil? The voice of "the late falling rain in late spring can't stop the sound of the waves. Whenever it rains again in the sky, there is a cloud made of rain in the wind", it will fly from the bottom of my heart.
(8)、做一棵简单生活着的树,用自己的美丽去点击世界的美丽;用自己的浓荫,梳理世间的清凉;用自己的快乐,点缀时光的流逝;用自己的爱,为心爱的人增添快乐 。
(8) Be a simple living tree and click on the beauty of the world with your own beauty; Comb the coolness of the world with your own shade; Embellish the passage of time with your own happiness; Use your love to add happiness to your loved ones.
(9)、一场寂寞凭谁诉?忆往昔,君已陌路 。合上一卷宋词,夜已深深 。凄风苦雨惹人愁,相思入骨念难休 。叹一场诀别,情爱只缱绻在经年的梦境里 。心,恋恋不舍,情,再难相依 。有雨的夜晚,在心里默默的念着一个人的名字,悄悄地,思念,只有自己知道 。
(9) A lonely by who? Recalling the past, you are a stranger. Close a volume of Song Ci, the night is deep. The bitter wind and rain make people sad. It's hard to stop Acacia. Sigh a farewell, love is only in years of dreams. Heart, reluctantly, love, no matter how difficult it is to depend on each other. On a rainy night, I silently read a person's name in my heart and miss it quietly. Only I know.
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