英文美句 词汇例句 value measure 价值观用英语怎么说

【英文美句 词汇例句 value measure 价值观用英语怎么说】

英文美句 词汇例句 value measure 价值观用英语怎么说

The value of life, not with time, but with the depth to be measured.人生的价值,并不是用时光,而是用深度去权衡的 。
英文美句 词汇例句 value measure 价值观用英语怎么说

【核心词汇】value1. the amount of money which can be received for something
She had already sold everything of value that she possessed.
她已经把自己所有值钱的东西都卖了 。
What is the value of the prize?
The value of the pound fell against other European currencies yesterday.
昨天英镑对其他欧洲货币的比价下挫 。
Property values have fallen since the plans for the airport were published.
建造机场的筹划颁布以来,房地产价钱已经下跌 。
I thought the offer was good value (for money) / US also a good value (= a lot was offered f资源网or the amount of money paid).
我以为这个报价很合算 。
