岁月,总是给人们带来无限的困惑,解惑,已成为我们尚未颓废的人生旅程的必修课 。
Time, which always brings people infinite confusion and doubts, has become a compulsory course for our life journey that has not yet been decadent
我们俩,从出生开始就要互相喜欢,在阳光明媚的日子里要和清风在一起 。
We both like each other from birth, and we should be with the breeze on sunny days
也许有一天我们老了,但我记得你打动我的样子 。
Maybe one day we will be old, but I remember the way you moved me
世间像满天的星星,你却像皎洁的月亮,大家都有月亮,只有你在闪耀 。
Like the stars in the sky, you are like the bright moon Everyone has the moon, only you shine
天才是%的汗水和%的灵感 。
Genius is % sweat and % inspiration
My night sky, Ben Xinghe Changming, has been rare since I met you
“你多久才能明白? 你和那个人已经没有下文了 。”
"How long will it take you to understand? You have nothing to do with that person "
请像杯子里打翻的热牛奶一样软,偶尔向世界撒娇 。
Please be as soft as the hot milk spilled in the cup, and occasionally act like a spoiled brat to the world
春心同花争发,一寸相思树一寸灰 。李商隐《无题》
The longing for love competes with the flowers, and an inch of acacia is an inch of ash Untitled by Li Shangyin
成功者决不给自己找软弱的借口 。
Winners never make excuses for weakness
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