
我喜欢爱笑的女生 , 就像你一样 。


I like the girls who love to laugh, just like you.

曾经的沧桑让你我不在纯粹 , 分手时我不知你的去处 。曾经的日子伤感又苦涩 , 你我一起承受了身心的疲惫 。

Once the vicissitudes of life let you and I am not pure, break up when I do not know where you will go.Once the day is sad and bitter, you and I bear the exhaustion of physical and mental together.
想要得到幸福的关键之一就是你要学会健忘 。
One of the keys to happiness is to learn to forget.
Your uncertainty is the biggest damage to me to ~
不要那么傻的爱 , 只要你在就好 。
Don't be so silly love, as long as you are good.
错过了日出可以等待 , 错过了美景可以再来 , 错过了流星可以等待 , 错过了爱情却不会回来!
Missed the sunrise can wait, missed the beauty can come again, missed the meteor can wait, missed the love but will not come back!
忧伤还在情绪不可以释怀 , 黑夜不只是可以掩饰悲哀 。
Sad is still in the mood can not let go, the night can not only cover up the sadness.
试着放手 , 走与不走 , 留与不留 , 我不想懂?
Try to let go, go and do not go, stay and do not leave, I don't want to understand?
明明不习惯陌生人 , 却装比陌生人还陌生人 。
Obviously not used to strangers, but pretend to be a stranger than strangers.
内疚懊悔敲击着我的心 , 翻来覆去睡不着 。
Guilt remorse struck my heart and could to sleep.
因为爱一个人 , 明知会失去自由 。
Because you love a person, knowing that you will lose your freedom.
此情可待成追忆 , 只是当时以惘然 。
【有关健康的诗?关于健康的诗句有哪些】This situation can be recalled, but at that time to be disconsolate.
