
"加冕宣言是太阳即将升起之前. "
"The coronation declaration is just before the sun rises."


闷热到解不开堆满早餐读书声的卷轴的教室老师的催促声越来越少的几天疲惫的身体 。幸运的是,冰冻的香草可乐喜欢的歌温柔的风和喜欢的你 。
It's so sultry that I can't get rid of the scroll filled with breakfast reading. The teacher's urging sound is getting less and less. I'm tired for a few days. Fortunately, frozen vanilla cola likes the song gentle wind and likes you.
勇敢的女人永远比懦弱的女人美丽 。如果你的爱人不爱你,我建议你还是勇敢地分手,好过,懦弱地纠缠 。
Brave women are always more beautiful than cowardly women. If your lover doesn't love you, I suggest you break up bravely, have a good time, and obsess weakly.

我很能干,但有一件事做不到 。什么事? 我不会离开你 。
I am very capable, but there is one thing I can't do. what's up I won't leave you.
你应该喜欢那些让你觉得自己很棒,让你感到内心温暖的人 。不是让你低在尘埃里,认为自己没用的人 。
You should like those who make you feel great and warm inside. It's not someone who keeps you low in the dust and thinks you're useless.

我们不需要讨论应该上演什么剧本 。你不需要背负刻意的期待和浪漫 。只有把爱交给自然,让心变得轻松坦然,才能找到爱与爱的真正答案 。
We don't need to discuss what script should be put on. You don't need to bear deliberate expectation and romance. Only by giving love to nature and making the heart relaxed and calm can we find the true answer to love and love.
You're my muse. You're my muse.

如果全世界对你都有恶意,我会对你说前世的情事 。
If the whole world is malicious to you, I will tell you about past lives.
“给我一点时间 。我会尽快和她分手 。放心,我给你名分 。”有妻子的丈夫把跳蚤塞进情人的话里说 。
"Give me a little time. I will break up with her as soon as possible. Don't worry, I'll give you a birthright. " A husband with a wife stuffed fleas into his lover's words and said.

我个人克服困难的时候,就不想找依靠了 。每个人都是负累 。
When I personally overcome difficulties, I don't want to rely on them. Everyone is a burden.
这个世界上没有人有义务一辈子依靠你 。一切事情都要自己承担,学会个人变强,咬紧牙关也要挺起腰来 。
【晴天是你雨天是你?晴天是你风雪是你】No one in this world has the obligation to rely on you all his life. Take care of everything by yourself, learn to be stronger, bite the bullet and stand up.
