【放轻松心情的句子?放松心情经典句子】经历了很多之后,我们会发现,在这一生中,每个人的情况在不同时期都不会那么相同 。
After a lot of experience, we will find that in this life, everyone's situation will be different at different times.
消极的人只会阻止你努力 。人们不会考虑你的未来 。
Negative people will only stop you from trying hard. People won't think about your future.
但在这个过程中,总有一些人只是看起来比同龄人年轻 。当同龄人比她实际年龄大,拥有她实际年龄应该有的样子时,她还是很年轻的 。
But in the process, there are always some people who just look younger than their peers. She is still very young when her peers are older than her actual age and have what her actual age should look like.
恋爱的时候可以经营自己的圈子 。不要只是把自己围在他身边,他会反过来好奇你在做什么 。
You can run your own circle when you are in love. Don't just surround yourself with him, he will wonder what you are doing.
就算错过了,也请把它当成自己的事情 。不要频繁闯入别人的生活,因为你已经没有资格了 。
Even if you miss it, please take it as your own business. Don't break into other people's lives frequently, because you are no longer qualified.
永远不要试图用妥协来打动人 。还不如没有爱情,因为都是委屈和难过 。
Never try to impress people with compromise. It is better to have no love, because it is all injustice and sadness.
心里有个人,就不要吝啬自己的表达 。如果你想念她,请告诉那个人关于她的事 。
If you have someone in your heart, don't be stingy with your expression. If you miss her, please tell that person about her.
The Human Factor
女人一旦带着孩子离开了那个家,在那之后,她已经把孩子留在了一个没有完整家庭的地方,她不会轻易让孩子进入另一个家庭 。
Once a woman leaves that home with her children, after that, she has left her children in a place where there is no complete family, and she won't easily let them enter another family.
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