触动心灵的晚安说说 , 一字千金 , 直抵心灵!
如果爱能像五官一样了解自己 , 当眼睛流泪 , 鼻子变酸 , 嘴巴发干 , 舌头发苦 , 耳朵只听到同频率的刺激时 。
If love can know itself like five senses, when the eyes are crying, the nose is sour, the mouth is dry, the tongue is bitter, and the ears only hear the stimulation of the same frequency
让我们成为一阵风 , 带着温柔和勇敢 。
Let's be a gust of wind, gentle and brave
我想成为陪伴疲惫的人走向大海的白色小椅子 。
I want to be a small white chair to accompany tired people to the sea
十一 经常有人会欺骗你 , 让你明白有时你唯一应该信任的人是你自己 。
Eleven People often cheat you, making you understand that sometimes the only person you should trust is yourself
容我爱你 , 在内心深处 。
I love you, deep down
没有什么比当你遇到一个特别的人 , 但意识到它永远不会成功 , 你迟早要放弃更令人难过的了 。
Nothing is more sad than when you meet a special person and realize that it will never succeed, and you will give up sooner or later
当你出生时 , 你在哭 , 而你周围的人都在笑 。过你自己的生活 , 以便当你离开这个世界时 , 你是那个微笑的人 , 而你周围的人都在哭泣 。
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was laughing Live your own life so that when you leave this world, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying
我不知道明年这个时候我会是什么心情 , 回忆起我剩下的两个月 。可预测的焦虑 。但是 , 即使在黑暗中行走 , 也要牢记光明的存在 。
【心灵说说对自己说一声晚安?晚安的金典说说】I don't know what mood I will be at this time next year, recalling my remaining two months Predictable anxiety However, even if you walk in the dark, remember the existence of light
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