心里苦闷的唯美句子 , 干净走心 , 把日子过得像诗!
时间会停止 , 生活会停止 , 但我知道关于你的一切都不会停止 。
Time will stop, life will stop, but I know everything about you will not stop
Can you stop being so nice to me? Can you put it down?
【感叹生活美好的唯美句子?生活的苦只有自己最清楚的句子】所谓的光辉岁月不是后来的光辉岁月 , 而是在无人问津的情况下 , 你的梦想的偏执 。
The so-called days of our lives is not the later days of our lives, but the paranoia of your dreams when nobody cares
于是我向你告别 , 带着万里青山不看你的余生 。
So I say goodbye to you, and I will not see you for the rest of my life with thousands of miles of green hills
我爱过一个人很久了 , 但不要害怕 , 如果你选择爱我 , 我就会抛弃过去 , 好好爱你 。
I have loved someone for a long time, but don't be afraid If you choose to love me, I will abandon the past and love you well
当轮船的汽笛声响起 , 当火车的汽笛声长鸣 , 当汽车的车轮开始转动 , 当飞机撞上跑道起飞 , 思想开始三思而后行 , 以避免后悔 , 这是对待世界的一个好方法 。
When the whistle of the ship sounds, when the whistle of the train sounds long, when the wheels of the car start to turn, and when the plane crashes into the runway and takes off, the thought begins to think twice before you leap to avoid regret, which is a good way to treat the world
在行动中的祈祷比语言更容易让人认识上帝 。
Prayer in action makes people know God more easily than words
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