On the traditional Chinese calendar, today is the day of Jingzhe, or Awakening of Insects, the third of the Twenty-four Solar Terms following Start of Spring that fell on Feb 4 this year and Rain Water 14 days ago.在中国传统的日历上,今天是惊蛰,或者说的昆虫醒来的日子,这是今年2月4日春天开始后的24个节气中的第三个节气,14天前是雨水 。
Over millennia, Chinese people observed that on this particular day, thunder rumbled and insects that hibernated in winter climbed out of their hiding places, thus giving it an animated and imaginative name Jingzhe-the rolling thunder that awakens sleeping insects.几千年来,中国人观察到,在这一天,雷声隆隆,冬眠的昆虫爬出它们的藏身之处,因此给它起了一个生动而富有想象力的名字“惊蛰”——滚动的雷声惊醒昆虫 。
【惊蛰的英语表达是什么?惊蛰用英语怎么写】During Jingzhe, usually spanning 15 days, warm humid air from the south becomes active and rising temperatures are often accompanied by drizzle.在惊蛰期间,通常持续15天,来自南方的温暖潮湿空气变得活跃,气温上升通常伴随着毛毛雨 。
Chinese people in ancient times observed that in the first five days, peach blossoms bloomed, in the second black-naped oriole birds started singing, and in the third eagles hid but pigeons and doves appeared.古代的中国人观察到,头五天桃花盛开,第二天黑枕黄鹂开始鸣叫,第三天老鹰躲藏,鸽子出现 。
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