这个世界如此混乱,谁能谈及悲伤的事情 。
The world is so chaotic, who can talk about sad things?
我的青春是在一个与世隔绝的岛上度过的 。
My youth was spent on an isolated island
Always cursing, always eating ice during the physiological period, always not listening to others
人生之路,悲喜自知,人生之苦,累与不累都要自己承受,路在脚下,没有人会为你决定方向,你的心受伤了,没有人会为你擦去眼泪 。
The road of life, happiness and sadness, self-knowledge, the hardships of life, tiredness and tiredness must be borne by yourself When the road is at your feet, no one will decide the direction for you If your heart is hurt, no one will wipe away your tears
你的存在让我分心 。
Your presence distracts me
不被淹没的唯一方法是独自行动 。
The only way not to be submerged is to act alone
我想给你整个世界,呵护你,直到你能照顾好自己 。
I want to give you the whole world and take care of you until you can take care of yourself
在通往梦想的道路上:即使你看不到希望或未来,也要相信你的选择和你的梦想不会出错!这就是你的梦想 。
【很暖心的情话短句?最美的情话最暖心短句,句句走心】On the road to dreams: even if you can't see the hope or future, believe that your choice and your dreams can't go wrong! This is your dream
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