
I choose kindness over my weakness, because I understand that people are not animals, and doing bad things will be rewarded; I choose tolerance over my cowardice, because I know how to forgive others and myself I choose to be confused, not my real confusion, because I know that some things can't be played, and they will come without playing; I choose a boring life, not the prosperity I expected, because I know that fame and fortune are floating clouds and can't bear wear and tear I can only be sublimated in solitude
我没有路,所以我不需要眼睛;当我看到的时候,我也会失去脚步,向后跌倒 。我们常常忽略了一个事实,那就是我们永远无法成佛,因为我们对自己有一些信心,在正确的时刻修行 。


I have no road, so I don't need eyes; When I see it, I will also lose my feet and fall backwards We often overlook the fact that we can never become a Buddha, because we have some confidence in ourselves and practice at the right moment
一生中总有一个人是你的月光,一生中总有一个人是你的致命伤,总有一个人是你取之不尽的欲望之泪,总有一个人是你心中解不开的结 。
There is always one person in your life who is your moonlight, one person who is your fatal wound, one person who is your inexhaustible tears of desire, and one person who is the knot in your heart

能够陪伴我们一生的朋友不多,但能暂时拥有他们也是好事 。
【心受伤的句子想哭?心里压抑难受的想哭的一段话】There are not many friends who can accompany us all our lives, but it is good to have them temporarily
甜、酸、苦、辣、咸口味的生活就像喝水一样 。

A sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty life is like drinking water
在你敢于深爱一次之前,你必须积累多少勇气 。
How much courage must you accumulate before you dare to love deeply once
