
大家好 , 今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——“失物招领处”, 它的表达是:
lost-and-found 失物招领处
The lost-and-found office had an enormous collection of umbrellas and four sets of false teeth!
失物招领办公室有大量的雨伞和四套假牙 。
I found a book on the seat of the bus. I turned it in to the driver, who gave it to the lost-and-found office.
我在车座位上找到了一本书 , 我交给了司机 , 他又交给了失物招领处 。


I claimed my lost luggage at the lost-and-found.
我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李 。
Excuse me, do you have a lost-and-found? I misplaced my wallet earlier, and I was wondering if anyone picked it up.
打扰一下 , 你们又失物招领处吗?我弄丢了我的钱包 , 我想知道有没有人捡到它 。
Please look for it in the hotel lost-and-found office.
【失物招领用英语怎么说,失物招领处用英语怎么说短语-】请到酒店失物招领处找找 。
