世界很美 。慢慢品尝 。
The world is beautiful Taste it slowly
感恩的心,是感谢世界上所有人给予了自己的帮助,铭记在心 。感恩的心,是我们每个人生活中不可缺少的阳光雨露,一刻也不能缺少 。
A grateful heart is to thank all the people in the world for their help and keep it in mind Grateful heart is the indispensable sunshine and rain in each of our lives, and we can't lack it for a moment
如果你毫无保留地信任个人,就只有两个结果 。不是你人生中的人,而是你人生中的课 。
If you trust an individual without reservation, there are only two results Not the people in your life, but the lessons in your life
在每个人都很忙的时代,谁也不会成为你的救世主 。你要为自己负责,为自己出头 。
【心情不好哭了的句子?心情不好的时候很压抑,很想哭的句子】In an era when everyone is busy, no one will be your savior You should be responsible for yourself and stand up for yourself
Everything is difficult at the beginning, and the ending must be satisfactory
我抓不住世间的美,只能装作万事如意 。
I can't grasp the beauty of the world, so I can only pretend that everything is going well
我在人生的小路上跳来跳去,不小心种在了你喜欢的炕上,消沉了 。
I jumped up and down the path of my life, accidentally planted it on your favorite kang, and got depressed
希望成功,就以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以注意为兄弟,以期待为哨兵 。
If you want to succeed, you should take perseverance as your good friend, experience as your reference, attention as your brother and expectation as your sentry
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