On the pillow, poetry and books are good for leisure, and the landscape outside the door is good for rain
你知道这是你的家,但你不能回去 。该放弃的无奈放弃,不该放弃的无能放弃,该放弃的无知不放弃,不该放弃的执着不放弃 。
You know this is your home, but you can't go back Helpless to give up, incompetent to give up, ignorance not to give up, perseverance not to give up
This is why men should listen to their mothers, go with their wives, and stop taking other people's hot hands, lest they become curses in the future
不要要求结束困难,而是要求有一颗克服困难的心;那些把别人的失败当作自己的教训的人,会比别人更容易成功 。
Don't ask for an end to difficulties, but for a heart to overcome them; Those who take others' failures as their own lessons will succeed more easily than others
疲惫的生活需要一个甜蜜的梦和一个久违的你 。
Tired life needs a sweet dream and a long-lost you
我喜欢你,严肃和懦弱,从一个到另一个 。
I like you, serious and cowardly, from one to another
精心制作的花束应该献给自己 。
An elaborate bouquet should be dedicated to yourself
傍晚的阳光特别甜美,整个世界都很浪漫,要和那些值得的人在一起,年复一年 。
【希望自己越来越好的说说语录?愿自己越来越好的说说_2】The evening sunshine is particularly sweet, and the whole world is very romantic Be with those who are worthy, year after year
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