
俗话说:冰冻三尽非一日之寒 。 前几天 , 我通过微头条晒了一下我女儿初二上学期的期中考试成绩以及她写的几篇文章 , 有一些家长朋友们看了之后 , 就问我:孩子是如何培养的?其实答案很简单:就是持之以恒的陪伴 。
我是一名初中生物老师 , 我深深懂得示范在教育行业的重要性 。 我女儿2001年出生 , 我从2008年就开始用心记录陪她学习的每一天了 。 其实 , 我们度过的每一天都是平淡无奇的 。 日复一日 , 年复一年 。 我的过人之处是:我并不觉得这样的日子枯燥乏味 , 反而对跟女儿呆在一起学习感到兴趣盎然 。
我女儿具体每天的学习内容 , 对于读者朋友们来说 , 其实也没有什么欣赏的价值 。 我用心记录的系列“育女心经”的价值在于观看整体 。 只有等我把我曾经用心撰写的全部”育女心经“全部晒完之后 , 您才能感受到什么叫父爱 , 当然也能从中领悟到一些家庭教育的核心理念 。
Tomorrow is Saturday.My daughter will go to the second class again.Last week she learned some difficult Internationale Mathematik-Olympiade knowledge.During this week,we are always busy.So I have to teach her this afternoon.Otherwise,it is very difficult for her to to catch up with the teacher.It takes me almost two hours.On the other hand,I am very angry with my daughter after I examine her math test paper.She is very careless.For example,there is such a simple test question:Can you figure out how many right angles among this graph?In fact,it is a right-angled triangle.So my daughter writes down the answer three.Of course it is wrong.I ask her why,she tells me that she didn’t understand the question quite well.There is another simple math question.The question is “One frog has two eyes.Then how many eyes do three frogs have?”My daughter’s answer is eight.The last question is like this:One carriage has four wheels.Then how many wheels do six carriages have?’My daughter write down such a formula:6×2=12.My god!I think you can judge how angry I am.You know,my daughter is very clever,she has a very good ability to read and understand something.But she just made such kind of stupid mistakes.The only reason is that she is very careless.She can’t concentrate her attention on the test question.I blame her.Of course,we don’t miss watch two episodes of the soap opera of 《The Legend of Bruce Lee》.You can guess,there is no time left for her to learn English anymore today.
明天星期六,我女儿又要去参加第二课堂.上周她学习了些比较难的奥数知识.在这一周里,我们都很忙,今天下午我必须要教教她了,否则她就会跟不上的.做这件事花了我将近两个小时的时间.另一方面,在我检查了我女儿的数学试卷后我又对她非常生气.她太粗心了.比方说,有这么简单的一数测试题:你能看出图中有几个直角吗?事实上,那是一个直角三角形.所以我女儿写下的答案是:三个.显然这是错误的了.我问她为什么,她说没有认真的审题.还有另一道简单的数学题:一只青蛙两只眼,三只青蛙几只眼?我女儿的答案是:八只.最后一道题目是这样的:一辆马车有四只轮子,那么六辆马车有多少只轮子呢?我女儿写下了这样的算式;6×2=12 我的老天呀,我想您一定能想像得出我有多么生气啦.要知道,我女儿很聪明,她有很好的阅读和理解能力.但是她却针犯这么愚蠢的错误.唯一的原因就是因为她很粗心.她不能把注意力集中到试卷上.我责备了她.当然,我们并没有错过看两集的电视连续剧《李小龙传奇》.你可以想得到,今天再没有什么时间留给她学英语了.
