【功夫汉语】圣诞树,圣诞袜,还有那圣诞卡,你知道这些习俗怎么来的吗?[中英双语]( 三 )

圣诞颂歌Christmas Carols
Carols were songs and dances of praise and joy in pagan times and the practice of carol singing carried over into the Christian era. Carols have been written through the centuries but the most familiar date from Victorian times. Today, popular songs such as Bing Crosby’s White Christmas and Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody are just as much a part of Christmas as carols.颂歌是异教时期用来表达赞美和愉悦的歌舞形式,唱颂歌这一习惯后来被带入到基督教时代。几个世纪以来都有圣诞颂歌的作品不断被创作出来,但最有名的要数维多利亚时期的那些。今天,流行的圣诞歌曲包括宾·克罗斯比演唱的“白色圣诞节”,以及斯莱德的“大家圣诞快乐”,这些颂歌都是圣诞的一部分。
