Abstract:The Bai nationality and Tibetan nationality are two minorities with a long history. The tow minorities are living in the frontier of the motherland. Nanzhao and Tubo have ally relationship in the history. In Yunnan province, Bai adjunct to the Tibetan, and they have frequent exchanges. There are exchanges and cooperation in the commodity trade, education, tourism, medicine, health, culture, power, information technology and other aspects among Bai and Tibetan. The tow minorities have strong religious beliefs, and their ethnic culture is containing rich content of moral education. To compare and analyze the similarities and differences on ideological and moral of the two minorities, can greatly improve their ideological and moral quality. It can deepen the communication and learning between the two ethnic groups, and to promote their progress and prosperity.
Key words:Bai nationality; Tibetan nationality; ideological and moral education content; comparison
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