书店|叮咚实验室 | 昆明的这家书店很有“料”
“东方书店1926”位于昆明老街 。书店创立于1926年 , 至今已有94岁“高龄”了 。
“Dongfang Bookstore 1926” sits in the Kunming Old Street. Founded in 1926, it has a history of nearly 100 years.
上世纪40年 , 这里曾经是国立西南联合大学教授们的聚会地点 , 其旧时风貌还被当时的彩色老照片记录了下来 。
This bookshop was once a gathering place forChinese scholars and intellectuals from the National Southwestern Associated University back in the 1940s; it even appeared in one of the first photochromes being taken in Kunming.
2018年,书店重新开张 , 再次成为昆明的“文化地标” , 来这里看书、买书的读者和顾客更络绎不绝 。
Reopened in 2018, Dongfang Bookstore has now turned to become the city’s cultural landmark again.
最近叮咚(Jerry,杰瑞)慕名来到书店 , 一边感受这里的历史气息和书店风景 , 一边寻找有趣、有料的好书……
Jerry visited this bookstore in an early morning. While looking for intriguing book titles, he was overwhelmed by the historic and academic atmosphere there.
云南网采访人员 王靖中 李文君/视频 武瑞/视觉设计
Presenter: Wang JingzhongVideo Maker: Li WenjunDesigner: Wu Rui
【书店|叮咚实验室 | 昆明的这家书店很有“料”】责任编辑:李享
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