超美时尚屋|中国日报头版刊发王清宪书记专访报道,聚焦青岛打造世界产业互联网之都( 五 )
Zhao Zhongxiu, president of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, said Qingdao and Shandong province should focus on institutional innovation and find a unique method for high-quality economic growth by using their key locations and abundant resources.
"The province should use its free trade zone opportunities to become more involved in regional economic cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea, as well as the Belt and Road Initiative. It should also play a bigger role in improving exchanges of capital, technology, talent and information between eastern and western areas," Zhao said.
In August last year, Qingdao became a key part of the China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, one of six new free trade zones set up nationwide.
Wang, the Qingdao Party secretary, said, "Shandong is the only coastal province among the nine provinces in the Yellow River Basin, while Qingdao is the bridgehead for Shandong opening up to the world.
"As a new important strategic pivot for international cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and the New Eurasian Land Bridge economic corridor, the city will play a key role in promoting cross-regional cooperation."
北京联盟_本文原题:《中国日报头版刊发王清宪书记专访报道 , 聚焦青岛打造世界产业互联网之都》
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