夺命哈士奇|Low Tea和High Tea傻傻分不清楚,下午茶的准确打卡方式你get了吗
前段时间电视剧《三十而已》持续刷屏 。 除了晒包 , 贵妇们聚在一起 , 最常常做的就是喝喝下午茶 , 聊聊天~
例如 , 顾佳与王太太“品茶”的名场面 。 她画龙点睛low tea和high tea[1]的区别 , 让强撑姿态的王太太好不尴尬 。
[1] high tea 高茶 , 黄昏时吃的正式茶点 , 与简朴的晚餐相似 , 通常有一道热菜(或三明治)和一壶茶 , 在英格兰北部和苏格兰尤为流行 。
不外 , 下午茶并不是贵妇们的专属消费 。 近年来 , 越来越多的小姐妹也约起了下午茶 , 它成为展现生活格调的一种方式 。
但下午茶的讲究也许多 , 要想搞清楚下午茶的准确打开方式 , 我们先要区分的是“茶饮”和“茶餐”两个概念 。 在英语中这两个词都可以用tea表示 , 因此轻易弄混 。
【夺命哈士奇|Low Tea和High Tea傻傻分不清楚,下午茶的准确打卡方式你get了吗】
Tea the drink茶饮
There are two forms of tea that often cause confusion in the tea world: tea the drink and tea the meal. Tea the drink is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant and from the processing of the plant white, green, oolong, and black teas are produced. The basic teas are also often blended with other plants like vanilla, mint and melon as well as flavors like Oil of Bergamot to make Earl Grey Tea.在茶界 , 有两种形式的茶时常引起搅浑:一为“茶饮” , 一为“茶餐” 。 “茶饮”是由山茶属植物制成的 , 这些植物经由加工制成白茶、绿茶、乌龙茶和红茶 。 这几种基础茶还常与香草、薄荷、甜瓜等植物以及佛手柑油等香料混合 , 制成伯爵茶 。
The beverage is made by steeping[2] processed leaves, buds, or twigs of the tea bush in hot water for a few minutes. The processing can include oxidation, heating, drying, and the addition of other herbs, flowers, spices, and fruits.茶饮就是将加工过的茶叶、芽头或嫩枝浸泡到热水中制成的饮品 。 茶的加工处理包括氧化、加热、干燥以及添加其他药草、花卉、香料和生果 。
[2] steep 浸泡 。
The term “herbal tea” usually refers to infusions[3] of fruit or of herbs (such as rosehip, chamomile, or jiaogulan) that contain no Camellia Sinensis.“花果茶”通常指用生果或药草(好比玫瑰果、甘菊或绞股蓝)冲泡而成的饮品 , 不含山茶属植物 。
[3] infusion 泡制 。
Tea the meal茶餐
Tea the meal on the other hand involves tea the drink as an important part but really is directed toward social and family gatherings where tea and food are often consumed together.说到“茶餐” , 茶饮是其重要组成部分 , 真正的茶餐是指边喝茶边用餐的社交和家庭聚会 。
Generally speaking, the tea meal became most popular and refined in England but spread to English speaking countries or former English colonies as well. Tea meals are also celebrated in other countries in differing forms.一般而言 , 茶餐在英国最为普及 , 也最为讲究 , 但也传播至英语国家或前英属殖民地 。 其他国家也有不同形式的茶餐 。
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