情感|跨过三十岁,家就不在我们的避风港,我们除了努力赚钱别无选择( 二 )

In today's society, if I don't work hard, my home will no longer be my shelter, but we are the pillar of my family. At that time, we can only try our best now.

现实的时候里没有什么地方是净土 , 我们都很苦 , 我们生命遇到的人 , 总有人和你计划着未来 , 也有计划着如何尽快地离开你 ,得 我们看懂一切 , 我们就会明白 , 失去比拥有更踏实 。
In reality, no place is pure land, and we are all suffering. People we meet in life always plan for the future with you and how to leave you as soon as possible. If we understand everything, we will understand that losing is more practical than having.
生活虽然让我遍体鳞伤了 , 但你要相信你现在的受的累 , 忍的痛 , 最后会变成照亮你道路的那颗灯 。
Although life makes me black and blue all over, you should believe that your present tiredness and pain will eventually become the lamp that illuminates your road.
