
现在的我已经不再年少轻狂 , 也许是因为现 在 的我已经过了 曾今 那个年纪 , 现在的我只求安稳 , 对于感情比起心动 , 我更期待合适 。
Now I am no longer young and frivolous, perhaps because now I have passed my old age, now I only want stability, and I look forward to being more suitable for my feelings than my heart.
我爱你和我喜欢你说出来不过也就是三秒钟 , 但是两个人在一起 , 发生了矛盾 , 解释却是需要很多个小时 , 但是证明我爱你和喜欢你却是需要用一辈子的时间 。
I love you and I like you to say it only for three seconds, but when two people are together, there is a contradiction, but it takes many hours to explain, but it takes a lifetime to prove that I love you and like you.

现在的我已经没有多余的时间在去解释和遇见了 , 因为我肩膀上责任太重 , 现在的我只想赚钱 , 对于感情我现在已经看淡了 , 也知道感情不能勉强 。
Now I have no spare time to explain and meet, because I have too much responsibility on my shoulders, and now I just want to make money. Now I am pessimistic about feelings, and I know that feelings can't be forced.

我没有在埋怨生活的不公 , 因为现在的我真的需要认真地面对生活 , 因为那些抱怨社会不公的人 , 都是在享受生活 。
I am not complaining about the injustice of life, because now I really need to face life seriously, because those who complain about social injustice are enjoying life.

现在我的想要的 , 也很简单 , 那就是父母的身体健康 , 家人的陪伴 , 口袋里有余钱 , 挚友的话题 , 这就是我一直渴望和羡慕的生活 。
Now, what I want is also very simple, that is, parents' health, family companionship, money in my pocket, and the topic of my best friend, which is the life I have been longing for and envious of.

我不害怕任何的事情 , 我唯一害怕的就是 , 你未来嫁的那个人不是我 , 现在的我真的好想再回头的那一刻 , 看见的你就站在我的生活给我支持 。
I'm not afraid of anything. The only thing I'm afraid of is that the person you will marry in the future is not me. At the moment when I really want to look back, you will stand in my life and support me.
所有的人微笑的背后 , 肯定都是没有声音不被人看见的眼泪 , 成年人的表面坚强 , 都是咋苦苦支撑 。
Behind all people's smiles, there must be tears that have no sound and are not seen by others. Adults are strong on the surface, and they are all struggling to support.

【情感|跨过三十岁,家就不在我们的避风港,我们除了努力赚钱别无选择】在现在的社会 , 如果不去努力 , 那么我过了三十岁 , 家就不再是我的避风的港湾了 , 我们才是家庭的支柱 , 那个时候现在的我们只能拼尽全力的去努力 。
