这组照片记录了普通人在怎样改变社会( 二 )
非凡普通人—推动社会改变的力量The Uncommon Common People: Changemakers in China策 展 Curator | 那日松 Na Risong开 幕 Opening | 2020.08.22 3:00pm展 期 Duration | 2020.08.22 - 08.30地 点 Venue | 映画廊 Inter Art Center/Gallery, 798 Art Zone BeijingThe 2020 “Uncommon Common People” Photography Exhibition Is about to OpenFrom 22nd to 30th August 2020, the Ginkgo Foundation will join hands with Inter Art Center & Gallery to hold the “Uncommon Common People: Changemakers in China” photography exhibition at Inter Gallery in 798 Art District, Beijing. This exhibition will display more than 200 works by the well-known photographer Mr. Andrew Wong, to show the lives and works of 12 Ginkgo Fellows.In 2008, Andrew Wong started shooting for an individual project named "China on the Road", where he used his lens to "see the lives of Chinese people" and record the changes in Chinese society.In 2015, the Ginkgo Foundation was established, dedicated to finding, inspiring and connecting social entrepreneurs. The Ginkgo Fellowship Project recruits people with rich experiences in public welfare and social innovation, who are acute in discovering social problems and determined to find real solutions.That same year, team members of Ginkgo Foundation met Andrew Wong by chance in Lhasa and soon realized that they were all seeking people who solve social problems. After returning to Beijing, it came as a surprise that Wang worked in the same building as Ginkgo.A five-year-long photography project thus began. Mr. Andrew Wong recorded the daily work and life of Ginkgo Fellows in different fields with documentary photography.
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