fashion业中 high street 和 high end 有啥区别

能先理解下high street 的意思嘛。你已经知道了是fashion里的,我搜了下,足够资料解释high street fashion,例子zara hm Topshop应该已经很形象了,如果你不懂他们的路线再补充问题?high end 说实话我也是第一次看到和high street 放在一起,谢谢这个提示。 我举例,LV CHANEL属于high end fashion,和 high street fashion比,不知题主能不能感受到?有其他疑问再补充哦
High street fashion describes mass-market retail style - the sort of clothing you will find in the chain stores. High Street fashion may be made to very high standards and of good quality materials, but it\u0026#39;s high volume manufacture and sale make it non-exclusive. The more cutting edge and directional a retailer is, the faster it will interpret designer fashions for the high street. Oddly, high street fashion can be found anywhere - in big department stores, in out of town malls, in chain stores and independent local shops. The phrase is applied to top of the line goods and clothing, reinterpreted for more budget-minded shoppers - wherever you find them. 【fashion业中 high street 和 high end 有啥区别 】 第二个
High end designs have unique one-of-a-kind styles. They can be moderately or very expensive and are among the most influential fashion brands. A few of the top high-end brands include Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci and Prada. High-end brands are classified by certain features, styles and fabrics. These styles are usually presented to the public on high-fashion runways and mainstream fashion publications. Some high-end designs are custom-made or made-to-order, rather than ready-to-wear garments, which are produced in large amounts with standard sizes.
个人感觉high st的服装更大众化,像Tpshop Zara AA Urban Outfitters这类的,大批量生产而且价格也不高。感觉high end fashion掺杂着艺术欣赏的成分,比如Chanel Dior Balenciaga Saint Laurent Givenchy等,服装的设计剪裁面料等更细致独特,当然价格也比较高,有些high end服装实用性可能没有high st 高。感觉相比Kenzo See by chole Marc by marc jacbos Red valentino DKNY之类的,Chole Marc Jacbos Valentino Donna Karan 属于high end fashion。
