
以下是小编收拾整顿的剑桥雅思14教材中 , 写作Test3Task2范文解析 。 但愿能够作为参考资料 , 匡助大家训练雅思写作哟!


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
这是一篇单边讨论类大作文 , 探讨音乐是否能够让不同春秋和文化的人理解 。 对于单边讨论类大作文来说 , 常见的出题形式有三种:1)To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 观点态度选择题;2)Is it positive or negative? 优劣对比题;3)Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 优劣对比题;对于单边讨论类 , 尤其是第一类出题形式而言 , 需要选择一个相对比较明确的态度和立场 , 通常不能够既同意又反对某一个观点 。 这道题本身所传达的观点是受到大部分人的认可和支持的 , 建议选择和大众相一致的态度论证 , 避免由于选择太过不同凡响的态度而缺少相应的论点和论据支持 。
以 agree 态度为例:
1. 确实不同的春秋和不同文化背景的人对于音乐的品位和兴趣是不同的
2. 但是成功或者柔美的音乐作品能够唤起大众的共情心理
3. 人们会由于拥有相同或者相类似的音乐欣赏品味而走在一起 , 形成集团
As a traditional type of art, music has long been regarded as a perfect symbol of people’s aesthetic pursuit. Since the creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music varies according to culture and social context, some people claim that people from different age groups and cultural backgrounds cannot appreciate the same kind of music, which I can hardly agree with.
The fact is that we indeed can frequently find people belonging to certain groups enjoy diversified types of music. For example, the young may be more inclined to appreciate popular music while senior citizens may favor classical or folk music more. Growing up in and experiencing features of different ages, people ’s personality, interests as well as focuses may be quite distinctive from each other. Consequently, people ’s appetite for music can hardly reach a consensus. It is understandable, hence, that a certain group of people support this view.
The magic and charm of music, however, should never be looked down upon. It can be widely observed that no matter in which age group, which kind of cultural context and which period of time, there are certain pieces of music compositions and works that can arouse the enthusiasm and affection of the general. There are hundreds of thousands of music masterpieces that have been appreciated by people throughout the history, such as those brilliant symphonies written by Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. The existence of those eternal music works clearly proves that music has the power to trigger empathy among the public.
