315晚会曝光汉堡王用过期食材! 汉堡王连夜回应
7月16日晚 , 受疫情影响推迟的中央广播电视总台“315”晚会与观众见面 。 节目内容显示 , 快餐连锁品牌汉堡王使用过期食材制作汉堡 。 American fast-food chain Burger King has been exposed for using expired food materials to make hamburgers in China, the country's annual consumer rights show said on Thursday.
节目中 , 采访人员暗访了位于江西南昌的几家汉堡王店面 , 经过调查发现 , 汉堡王的面包是从外面统一采购而来 , 在外包装上 , 生产厂家对保质期给出了明确说明 。 当班经理发现面包到期后 , 很自然地“吩咐”员工更换标签 。 换上了新的标签 , 这批过了保质期的面包被陆续拿出来 , 做成汉堡卖给了顾客 。 Several Burger King's stores in Nanchang, east China's Jiangxi Province replaced the expiration label on stale bread and later served the old bread to customers, the show reported.
不仅过期面包被重新修改保质期再销售 , 过期的鸡腿排同样被要求修改标签 , 以延长保质期 。 But their deception did not end with the bread; the food outlets also served meat and chicken nuggets to customers long after they should have been discarded.
而一位店员则表示 , 自己会直接换掉标签 , 而且上级也会要求他这样做 。 另一位店员表示 , 即便到了食物容易发霉变质的夏天 , 保质期照改不误 。 An employee said they would change the label themselves. "We change the label directly and the boss would ask you to change it," the employee said. According to another employee, the practice continued even in the summer when food spoils easily because of the heat.
据店员介绍 , 当器材闪烁红灯时 , 证明鸡排已经放置超过半小时 。 按照汉堡王方面的要求 , 鸡排不可出售 。 然而店员却操作按钮使提示灯变为绿色 , 重置了时间 。 He said the alarm light would turn red and flash when cooked unsold chicken nuggets have been sitting for over half an hour. Per food handling rules, that food should be discarded, but the employees would simply press the button to make the light turn back to green, restarting the clock.
面对这样的操作 , 一名店长说道:“总部也知道 。 对啊 , 人家都是从基层做起 , 当店长当了多少年了 。 ”"The headquarters knows about it," said a store manager, explaining that their headquarter supervisors also started their careers from low-level jobs in the company.
此外 , 采访人员还发现工作人员在汉堡制作过程中 , 煞费心机偷工减料 , 只为少放一片西红柿 , 或者一片芝士 。 店里员工对标准记得非常清楚 , 可实际操作却偏不执行 。 问及原因 , 店里员工说:“老板抠门 。 ”The investigative reporters also discovered that the burger stores failed to follow the company's prescribed operating standards and procedures. An employee said they always cut down on ingredients, such as putting fewer cheese slices and tomatoes into burgers, because his "boss is cheap."
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