Basecamp 公司(原 37 signal)最近新开发了一个邮件解决方案 hey.com , 这是邮件这个波澜不惊的领域里少有的亮色 , 看看他们的宣言就知道了 , 写的非常激动人心:
【Hey,机会】Hey everyone—
It’s 2020, we need to talk about email.
Email gets a bad rap, but it shouldn’t. Email’s a treasure.
It feels great to get an email from someone you care about. Or a newsletter you enjoy. Or an update from a service you like. That’s how email used to feel all the time.
But things changed.
You started getting stuff you didn’t want from people you didn’t know. You lost control over who could reach you. An avalanche of automated emails cluttered everything up.
And Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and Apple just let it happen.
Now email feels like a chore, rather than a joy. Something you fall behind on. Something you clear out, not cherish. Rather than delight in it, you deal with it.
And yet, email remains a wonder. Thanks to email, people across cultures, continents, countries, cities, and communities communicate every day. It’s reliable. It’s simple. It makes it easy for two humans to share their love, and for millions of people to earn a living.
So good news, the magic’s still there. It’s just obscured — buried under a mess of bad habits and neglect. Some from people, some from machines, a lot from email software.
Email deserves a dust off. A renovation. Modernized for the way we email today.
With HEY, we’ve done just that. It’s a redo, a rethink, a simplified, potent reintroduction of email. A fresh start, the way it should be.
HEY is our love letter to email, and we’re sending it to you on the Web, Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android.
宣言总会充满力量和理想 , 否则怎么吸引你呢 。 苹果当年推出 Mac 用的就是这一招 , 那时候假想敌是 IBM 。 打破 , 推翻 , 革新 , 创造 , 新势力打败老势力等等 , 如出一辙 , Hey 的敌人是谁呢?是Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and Apple 这些老家伙 。
些产品呢 , 是失控状态的 , 是被信息淹没的 , 充满无力感的 , 现在哥做了个 hey.com , 骑着白马 , 手持宝剑 , 踏雪而来 , 拯救世界 。
大概就这个意思 。
之前这个邮件还是邀请制的 , 需要发邮件申请才有可能获得邀请码 , 我发邮件后很快获得了邀请 , 试用 14 天 , 以后的年费是 99 刀 。
我自己是付费邮件 Newton 的用户 , 最初我说 , 如果这个产品能吸引我 , 我想我也会付费 。 嗯 , 现在我已经是付费用户 , 并不是这个产品做的足够好了 , 而是我想看看未来会发生什么 。
付费用户总是更有权利吐槽 , 极客时间的用户也是一样 。 下面是吐槽时间 。
我算是个重度邮件用户 , 很多东西还是喜欢用邮件沟通 , 也会大量的接收邮件 。 规模性用了几天 , 发现这款邮件的理念不错 , 但是客户端做的实在是太烂了 , 无论是 iOS 还是 Mac , 都是套个壳子 , 里面都是 Web , 使用体验上和 Newton 差十八条街 。
有的读者说 , 这是为了用服务器渲染炫耀新的 Rails 技术 , 到时候要拿出来开源 , 还有新的 Turbolink 。 Basecamp 说他们整个应用的 Javascript bundle 只有40k 。 有些用户在国外 , request + 渲染 感觉就像本地应用一样 。
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